
Tim Minchin Occasional Address and Honorary Degree of Doctor of Letters

這場 Tim Minchin 在 The University of Western Australia 的畢業典禮發表的演說,字字珠璣,毫不避諱地用了些通俗的用語。他提出了九個建議給畢業生:

1. You Don’t Have To Have A Dream. (你沒有必要有個夢想)
2. Don’t Seek Happiness(不要想找尋幸福)
3. Remember, It’s All Luck (記住,一切只不過是運氣罷了)
4. Exercise (運動)
5. Be Hard On Your Opinions (嚴正檢視你的想法)
6. Be a teacher. (當老師)
7. Define Yourself By What You Love (從你的喜好中定義你自己(找到自己的定位))
8. Respect People With Less Power Than You. (尊重位階比你低的人)
9. Don’t Rush. (不要急)

他有時用語在聽到瞬間有點好笑有點衝擊,但是仔細聽下去,還蠻有道理的。其中他講的第一點(You Don’t Have To Have A Dream)與第九點( Don’t Rush)也曾經是我在畢業後一度感到困惑的階段時,身邊的朋友用類似的話這樣提醒過我。從來就沒有人能預料人生,每個階段有每個階段的困惑,怎麼可能真的那麼明確有個藍圖。

對於第三點的「Remember, It’s All Luck」 也心有戚戚焉,沒有什麼是理所當然應得的,就是很信運的剛好擁有,剛好得到。換個方面想,那有時也就是剛好運氣不好而已,能把握的只有本質上的部分。

下面是些演講中的 quote。

"they(Arts degrees) help you find meaning where there is none. And let me assure you, there is none. Don’t go looking for it. Searching for meaning is like searching for a rhyme scheme in a cookbook: you won’t find it and you’ll bugger up your soufflé." (學位幫助你去找個不存在的意義。我告訴你,他真的不存在。別想要去探索意義。去探索意義就像是企圖在食譜中找韻腳 -- 你除了搞砸你的舒服蕾外,什麼也找不到)

"so by the time you get to it and are staring into the abyss of the meaninglessness of your achievement, you’ll be almost dead so it won’t matter." (當你實現夢想的那刻,你俯視著你那毫無意義的成就,你也差不多走到生命盡頭了,所以(擁有夢想)根本就不重要)

"Happiness is like an orgasm: if you think about it too much, it goes away." (幸福就像是性高潮,你如果太刻意要尋找,是找不到的)

"You will soon be dead. Life ... long and tough ..tiring. ....sometimes be happy and sometimes sad.... old. And then ...dead. There is only one sensible thing to do with this empty existence, and that is: fill it." (生命很短暫...(喜怒哀樂, 生老病死 balabala...)... 對於這個空洞的生活你唯一能做的就是「填滿它」)(他後面講了,用「不斷的學習」來「填滿」)

Tim Minchin -- Occasional Address

